You may have noticed it’s been very quiet over here this month. Don’t worry while we did fall off the face of the earth, we didn’t die, have our blog deleted, leave the country, or forget about you. We are sorry. But it’s because:
We moved!
Now we weren’t planning to move at all, but an amazing place opened up in our old neighborhood and near our amazing friends so we went ahead and applied. Fast forward a month and things were still up in the air and we weren’t sure if we were going to get the place or not. Then they finally told us they chose us out of the other applicants and that was the same day we signed the lease and started moving in! So needless to say it was a crazy few weeks.
So we were packing and moving a little each day on top of working and editing our amazing June weddings. And I just had couldn’t do it all :) So, unfortunately that meant no blogging while our lives settled down. But we are back and ready for fall wedding season!
I have so much more to tell you about the new place and can’t wait to show you pictures once we are finally all moved in (yes my office is still full of boxes!) but first we have to say goodbye to our old and first apartment. Because this blog is for brides, yes, but it is also a piece of our lives and I want to chronicle what is happening behind the scenes and so I don’t forget!
This is the apartment that I helped design and build. The first place I lived without a roommate. My first “grown up” apartment. Where I picked the paint colors and rarely dusted.
This was the apartment where Scott proposed. Where we planned our wedding and came home to from our honeymoon. The place we made lazy Saturday breakfasts, opened all our wedding gifts, and learned how to be husband and wife.
This is the place full of spiders and mice and no natural light. The back room would flood sometimes and the shower was tiny but it was ours. We made it a home and lived here together.
Seriously…world’s smallest bathroom :)
We cooked a lot and did dishes not quite as often. We drank tons of coffee and never used our real fireplace (opting for the Netflix version instead).
This is the place where every Wednesday night for two years we would cram 20+ people into our giant living room and use every available chair, floor space, and even our bed to be in community, connect, read the Bible, pray, cry, share, and eat.
This is the apartment I made my first turkey and hosted 3 Thanksgiving dinners in a row. Where we had Christmas parties, wedding showers, and Monday night dinners with our people. (Real camera selfie fail when your aperture is too low but you love all these people anyway so need to share).
We will miss you little apartment! With your teeny shower, your corner kitchen, your inconveniently placed support poles, no dishwasher, and an ornery oven, with your multiple humidifiers and HUGE walk in closet. We loved you! Thank you for being a part of our story and our first years as husband and wife. We will never forget you :)