Category Archives: Monday Musings

Monday Musings

We are moving a little slower this Monday than usual after a very full and very fun weekend. It started by having dinner on Friday with my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday – which means a delicious steak dinner and tons of laughter. Then Saturday we got to be a part of Kaitie and…

Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I hope you all had fabulous fall weekends now that it actually is starting to feel like fall and the temperatures are dropping :) We had a very full fun one over here and if you saw our Insta-story then you know the details, but if you didn’t here’s a recap! (And excuse…

Monday Musings

Happy Halloween! Most people spent the weekend at fun costume parties or passing out candy to adorable children. Since we live on a busy road in a basement apartment we never have any trick-or-treaters. So instead we spent the weekend relaxing and catching up on some good movies. It’s one of our last free Saturdays…

Monday Musings

Today is Monday. And that means I should have a fun and witty musings posts coming at you. One where I talk about our weekend and how I tried my hand at making pumpkin scones (p.s. they were delicious). But I don’t and I’m sorry. Except that, I’m not. I enjoy writing my musings posts,…

Monday Musings

Happy Monday! It’s a post-wedding Monday which means lots going on here today behind the scenes, but they are our favorite type because it means lots of pretty images to go through. We spent Saturday with Chad and Evie and they are some of the sweetest people ever. Their wedding was so much fun and…