Category Archives: Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Well we made it. 2016 weddings are done, Christmas sessions finished, yes there’s still some editing to do and business to wrap up but we are officially done shooting for the year! This year was wonderful and exceeded our expectations. Every couple was amazing and every wedding unique – and there is much more to…

Monday Musings

It’s another rainy Monday and I have to tell you, all this rain is making me wish for snow! Not quite yet because we have our last wedding of the year this weekend, but after that bring on the blizzards and snow days! Because of some things shifting around and schedules changing Scott and I…

Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I can’t believe it is already December – this year has flown by and kept us busy in the best ways possible. We spent Saturday celebrating the sweetest couple as they became husband and wife and we have one more wedding to shoot before we wrap up our year! We have been so…

Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I thought this post-Thanksgiving holiday Monday would be a hard one but I woke up before my alarm and was out the door to spin class before I could even start to dread vacation being over. This weekend was perfect and was a relaxing one spent with family and food and some much…

Monday Musings

Guys…what happened this weekend? We can no longer pretend it is still fall. No more light jackets and occasional flip flops. It is officially winter and it is freezing! I think it feels more severe because we went from a wonderful 70 degree Friday to this. My winter gear got a lot of use this…