Monday Musings

Today is Monday. And that means I should have a fun and witty musings posts coming at you. One where I talk about our weekend and how I tried my hand at making pumpkin scones (p.s. they were delicious). But I don’t and I’m sorry. Except that, I’m not.

I enjoy writing my musings posts, updating you all on our lives and the funny or helpful things we’ve encountered this week. But today, this Monday I just don’t have it in me. Everything I write feels fake or surface level so instead I just want to be real with you. This weekend I did nothing fun or pretty. On Saturday, I stayed in, refilling cup after cup of coffee and still not feeling fully awake.

I stared at my to-do list and yet accomplished nothing. I was unproductive and happy about it. I thought with my first shoot-free weekend I would finally hang that canvas that has been sitting on our floor since August, I would finally go through my closet and get rid of those items I never wear, I would organize the cabinets that have dissolved into chaos. But instead, I rested. I stayed bundled up inside and ignored the outside world. I didn’t make plans, I didn’t answer emails, I hid in a cocoon and had the most introverted day possible.

And so, while this isn’t glamorous or pretty, it isn’t Instagramable, it was just what my soul needed. I have a tendency to work too much but lately, I feel like busyness has been just that. I haven’t accomplished as much as I should or gained traction – rather I’ve just been moving constantly instead of productively.

We were designed to rest. Our souls crave it and our minds need it. When I finally shut off the noise I have my best ideas – when I can hear myself think again.

And so I put all my instincts aside and stopped. I turned off the technology and sat in the quiet. And while I have nothing to blog about – I feel refreshed. I feel like I can finally take a breath and organize the chaos in front of me. I can see what needs to be done and instead of anxiety, it’s excitement. I feel like I have the mental space to think again and the energy to accomplish what needs to be done.

So, I want to ask you today? Are you spinning your wheels, constantly moving, bouncing like a pinball from thing to thing to distracting thing? Or have you stopped lately? To have a meaningful conversation or a quiet cup of coffee? If not I want you to stop reading this and turn off the noise. Spend an hour alone or with a good friend. Someone that can give you the space to clear out the craziness and replace it with purpose. And if that happens over a pumpkin scone, even better :)

Happy Monday!

