Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I hope you all had fabulous fall weekends now that it actually is starting to feel like fall and the temperatures are dropping :) We had a very full fun one over here and if you saw our Insta-story then you know the details, but if you didn’t here’s a recap! (And excuse the quality – most of these are iPhone pics! :)

Saturday started with a very early workout. I’ve been taking a spin class with my friend Niki lately and LOVE it! It’s challenging and fun and I actually get up to do it, I think it’s soon going to be a habit. Then I met up with my sisters and my dad and we headed down the road to North Carolina! If you’ve been around the blog for a while you know it’s no secret we love Elkin, NC and the many wineries’s they have. This weekend was what they call “pick up” weekend, so if you are a part of any wine clubs instead of shipping your wine they have fun events and new wine launches so you can come in person and enjoy all the fun new varieties!




We started at McRitchie for their Cranberry Cider launch (perfect for Thankgiving!) and did a small tasting. Then we headed 5 minutes down the road to our all-time favorite, Jones Von Drehle. Theirs was the main event with a huge shrimp boil, barrel tastings, live music, and Chardonnay ice cream (yes, even I had some!). It was delicious. Unfortunately, they weren’t doing official tastings of their other selections but we still got some of their sparkling blush to drink!



And since it was on the way to our next destination we stopped at our other favorite, Dobbins Creek. The owner is always welcoming and they were doing a soft launch of their Ram Cat Red – only available by request! It was our favorite of the day and we all went home with a bottle :) We hung out there on their lovely porch in the sun while my dad listened to the Tech game.

Then back on the road! Next stop…Ikea! I haven’t been to one since college and we were really needing some new office furniture, and since we were already half-way we decided why not? My dad had also never been, so needless to say it was a fun experience for us all and we quoted this clip a lot while skimming books in Swedish :) I successfully got a new desk and some other odds and ends and after a quick dinner at Noodles and Company, we headed home. Thankfully this weekend was daylight savings because we got home late enough that we definitely needed that extra hour! But…expect to see the office upgrade on here soon!

Yesterday after church we just rested and worked on this fun engagement session from Friday! And then it was Monday morning and time to start the work week! :)


I hope you all enjoyed seeing my fun fall weekend – we soaked up every minute since it is our last free one until Christmas! And speaking of Christmas Mini-Session sign ups went out this morning, so check your inbox! And if you weren’t on our pre-list they open to everyone else tomorrow!