Monday Musings

Well we made it. 2016 weddings are done, Christmas sessions finished, yes there’s still some editing to do and business to wrap up but we are officially done shooting for the year! This year was wonderful and exceeded our expectations. Every couple was amazing and every wedding unique – and there is much more to about that to come!

We celebrated finishing out the year by staying inside in warm pjs and not venturing out too much – except for holiday tea! This is a fun yearly tradition my sisters, mom, and I participate in at the Palisades. If you saw my insta story you know that they go all out and if not here are a few shots I grabbed both on the camera and the iphone!

This is what happens when strangers offer to take a photo of all of you…

And when you can set the right settings…sometimes the camera is too smart for it’s own good :)

And yay for big hats and scarves :)

We are hosting our friends Christmas party tonight so I’m off to finish getting ready for that, but before I do here’s a quick sneak peek at Gabe and Whitney’s beautiful Christmas wedding! More to come on the blog soon!