Monday Musings

Guys…what happened this weekend? We can no longer pretend it is still fall. No more light jackets and occasional flip flops. It is officially winter and it is freezing! I think it feels more severe because we went from a wonderful 70 degree Friday to this. My winter gear got a lot of use this weekend thanks to Christmas mini sessions and a fun engagement shoot all outdoors! Plenty of Starbucks was consumed and I figured out Scott has some great, very warm winter jackets! We are disagreeing over whether I can wear them or not :)

Some people say October is to photographers what April is to accountants, and normally I agree but this year it’s November that’s been the crazy one for us! We are having so much fun catching up with past clients getting Christmas photos, or shooting engagements and weddings that we’ve barely put the camera down – and are loving every minute. Even when it’s 20 degrees outside we love what we do! Of course, that means I’ve had 3 straight days of non-stop shooting and will spend a lot of the coming weeks editing, plus we are working a few extra long nights but not this weekend! After Wednesday we are shutting the computer down for a little bit, taking a much-needed break, eating yummy food with both our families, and binge watching Gilmore Girls. I’m excited for a few days with nothing on the calendar but family time and we are even going to try and sneak in some Christmas decorating!

So now, before I get back to work and searching for which Pumpkin Pie recipe I used last year, here are some Monday Musings for you!

  • This is Us is really the greatest show. The premier was so good I was worried if it could get any better, but it has. If you haven’t watched it yet you should start because it is amazing.
  • Reason #37 Timehop is great – it reminds you of delicious holiday drink creations you tried out at Starbucks last year so you can recreate them every Red Cup season – for example Gingerbread Latte with a pump of White Mocha, yes please! (All credit to my friend, Niki!)
  • I loved this PSA from our two favorite girls…not everyone may be able to watch all four seasons in one day (not going to stop us from trying, though!) so please, don’t spoil the last four words!
  • Lastly, who else is excited for the Hamilton Mix Tape coming out next week? The first 4 preview songs were so good I can’t wait to hear the whole thing. It’s almost like discovering the soundtrack for the first time again…almost.

That’s all for this frigid Monday! I’m going to get back to work because we are going to see Fantastic Beasts tonight after our session so lot’s to get done :) Don’t miss this fun Virginia Tech engagement shoot tomorrow on the blog!
