Monday Musings

Every time we leave the Outer Banks we talk about how we can relocate our lives to live there permanently. Unfortunately, since that doesn’t seem like a reality right now we’ll just live from vacation to vacation always counting down the days until we are there next. There is just something about the quietness of the island, the slow pace that life moves at, and of course the reading and fishing all day is a huge perk. And who doesn’t like to watch sunsets over the water? But we are back again and this trip was wonderfully relaxing (besides the actual getting there…). We are slowly getting back to the grind of things and reluctantly returning to the everyday.

And it’s September! I don’t know how that happened but our busiest month is upon us and fall is right around the corner. My friend Suz summed it up perfectly when she said, “I love fall, but at the same time, fall is the end of summer and I love summer the most.” I enjoy a little cooler weather, the blowing of leaves, and all things caramel and pumpkin but I will miss the late nights of sunshine and Sunday’s by the pool. And since I have a lot to catch up on, a workout to get to, and a wedding to prep for this weekend I’ll leave you with some musings and some vacation pics!

  • For some reason, after returning from the beach we decided to watch Jaws since it was recently added to Netflix. We were already home, what harm could it do? Turns out some as I have very little desire to get in the ocean again. Then the next day we gave Jaws 2 a try. It was so bad it cured all fear from the first one. Do not waste your time.
  • How do you all feel about this pop of color? I am in love. She is now offering this for other brides too! Any one of my 2017 brides up for it? :)
  • Also, today marks the beginning of a new photography course I’m taking on posing! I took another class by Katelyn James last year on editing and blogging and it made such a huge difference. Her courses go so much farther than just the one topic and really impact your photography in so many ways. I can’t wait to see how this one is going to mold us into even better photographers and business owners! (Photographers, for more info about her amazing education, click here!)

On that note, I need to go watch my first lesson! So here are a few pictures from our amazing time on the OBX!


Scott taught everyone to fish :)


And Julie caught a big drum!


And Aric got a baby Pompano.


We played a lot of Kan Jam.


And took some pictures at the Lighthouse at sunset.


Cuties :)


Love this one of my dad :)


We also got to stop in Raleigh and see my other sister, Sana!




And now we are ready to go back… :)