3 ways being a business owner is like being an Olympian

On my favorite morning radio show this week they were celebrating all the ways they were #notanolympian. And let’s be honest very few of us are or ever will be. Despite my lofty dreams of being a gymnast at 5 years old when my sisters and I danced on the back of the couch (read: beam) and flipped onto giant pillows. And since a 30 min workout remains a challenge for me I know that I am far from an Olympic athlete. That doesn’t stop me from watching as many events as I can and tearing up at each national anthem played. And so, even though we’re not in Rio, there are a few ways being a business owner is like being an Olympian.




1. They set goals and then they crush them. They know going in what they want to accomplish and they don’t stop until they succeed. They work hard and sacrifice all for a 10th of a second. But the most important thing is not the achieving of the goals, but setting them in the first place and knowing what they are striving for. They have a path in mind.
2. They don’t focus on the competition. This meme has been my favorite this week. Don’t look at what those around you are doing, instead focus on where you are going with drive and passion and you will get there.

olympic meme

Original source not found: taken from twitter.

3. They celebrate each other’s wins. Even though they may compete against each other at times, they also celebrate the wins each of them have. One of my favorite groups I’m a part of is the Rising Tide Society. Their whole mantra is community over competition based on the idea that a “rising tide lifts all boats.” When we work together and lift each other up, when we celebrate each other’s victories and push each other to be stronger we all come out better on the other side. And most importantly for wedding vendors when we are a team the Bride and Groom’s wedding day is better than they imagined.

So yes, I’ll never be a world-class beach volleyball player or compete in an Olympic regatta but at least a part of me will be feeling very Olympic today as I crush the hurdles in front of me :) (Can we fit any more sports in that sentence…?!)

So no matter what your dream is, go out there with a plan, don’t compare yourself to others, celebrate victories of those around you, and crush your goals!
