Category Archives: Inspirations

You have permission

It started by accident, almost. With a camera in my hands and my settings on auto. Isn’t that how most of us began? A friend gets married and they are just out of college and you’ve been studying photography and taking classes and spending hours in the darkroom listening to snow patrol. So they ask…

An Open Letter to All You Dreamers

Sometimes being an entrepreneur is hard. There is a lot of behind the scenes work, necessary paperwork, and long hours. I would never trade this business of mine or this passion of mine for anything else but there are days that are hard. So this is just to remember the why behind it all and…

Starting With Why.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and the mundane of the day to day. It’s easy to forget where we’ve been and where we are going. To do lists fill up and overwhelm. And sometimes it feels like all we do is work and pay bills. Well, I know that is not…

It’s about service and so much more

June was the month of education. There were so many things happening and going on I feel like my head was constantly filled with new perspectives and ways to grow and enhance my business. It started with a night of Mexican food with other photographers talking about life and new ideas at our Tuesdays Together…