Monday Musings

I got a slow start this Monday morning after dinner out with the girls last night. We wanted to re-create this epic weekend and on a small scale it was a big success. I love evenings that include delicious wine, good food, and better conversations. A few of us even closed the place down (sorry servers!), so it took me a little extra time to get moving and blogging today :)

This weekend was full of Girl Boss tasks. I stayed behind the computer most of the day on Saturday working on something new and exciting for my brides and doing our taxes while binge watching new shows. I tried Fuller House and I’m sorry but I thought it was dumb. There was no new creativity or character development, just regurgitation of the 90s. And then due to political show withdrawals because there was no new Scandal this week I started House of Cards. I can’t tell if I’m a fan yet or not. It’s more racy than I expected and I keep waiting for something huge and crazy to happen, all the time with the feeling that there are a million tiny crazy things happening that I’m missing but are going to turn out to be important. I just can’t figure it out. Maybe I just need to stick to my tried and trues instead. We’ll see. Any fans out there? What’s your opinion?

Other than business and binge watching our weekend was pretty slow and relaxing. Saturday was the one year anniversary of us getting engaged! But we forgot until Sunday and then congratulated each other on making the best decision ever :) Which sounds about right for us. It’s crazy that at this time last year we were just getting engaged and I didn’t even know it was going to happen. And now the whirlwind of a year is behind us and we are loving married life. It’s amazing what can happen in just a year. P.S. if you haven’t heard that story click here.

And that’s about all that’s going on in our lives. I’m off to enjoy some of this beautiful weather and I hope you all are as well :) Come back on Thursday for what is shaping up to be one of my favorite blog posts!

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