The Family Christmas Card

Being the photographer in the family always means that I am responsible for taking the family Christmas picture. Most of the time this means pushing the button and running, because I never think to get a remote (next year…). We always discuss colors, my older sister styles us – adding scarves and jewelry – my dad comments on my gear or where I’m making them stand, my mom makes weird jokes that only my little sister laughs at, and since it was 32 degrees outside this year when we took them, it meant an extra level of torture. But it is wonderful, and we laugh a lot, I wouldn’t change it for anything. Then after, we immediately change into sweatpants, eat a huge meal, and play a round of Mexican train dominoes. I love our traditions, and wouldn’t change it. And also – aren’t my parents just the cutest? :)


This is the only one we could get the dog to stand still for, mostly because he’s afraid of the back yard. (Not joking).


I just love my sisters :)


Merry Christmas!!