10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Hey it’s Friday! And for those of you who are active Instagram users you know about Friday introductions – so in that spirit and for you new followers out there I thought I’d share 10 things you may not know about me!

1. I am not a pet person. I’m sorry to all you dog lovers out there because this is going to shock you. But I do not now, nor ever really wish to have a pet. If I had to get one, it’d be a cat.

2. I love inspirational movies – sports movies, superhero moves, etc. Anything that has the theme of triumph is probably in my movie collection and I will watch over and over.

3. I have eaten Guinea Pig. It’s a delicacy in Ecuador and it’s ok. Probably wouldn’t choose to eat it again though :)

4. I love grapes. They are my favorite fruit and I would be content to eat them every day – or drink them if necessary!

5. I have moved 28 times in my life and 6 of those were in the same year. The year I graduated North Park was a rough one.

6. And speaking of North Park, I only decided to go there about a month before school started. Up until then I was planning on attending a school in Southern California, but the last minute switch to Chicago – based solely on financial aid was one of the best decisions of my life.

7. When I was little I wanted to be a marine biologist when I grew up. This was mainly due to my love of the movie Free Willy and visiting Sea World. Then I took a science class and changed my mind.

8. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July. I love everything about it. It’s in the summer, which is my favorite time of year. And you get an excuse to grill out, sit by the water, and watch fireworks all day – I mean how could you not love it. It’s closely followed by Thanksgiving (again I think it’s the food thing).

9. I am allergic to Ice Cream – and most things dairy, but ice cream is the worst. Therefore I don’t like it or eat it. I’d much rather have a chocolate chip cookie.

10. My favorite color is grey. Even though my sister says it’s not a real color.

Well, that’s a little more about me. Do any of you agree? Adamantly disagree? Comment about it below! I’d love to get into an ice cream vs. cookie debate with you :)

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Photo cred: Kaitlyn Phipps Photography