Salem Museum Bridal Session

Remember early last month where we had some gorgeous weather and then that one Saturday where it SNOWED? Well, that is the day we had scheduled for Kayla’s bridal session. Yep, her trial hair and makeup appointments were set and we were ready for a fun outdoor shoot. That is until Mother Nature disagreed. Thankfully, Anna at the Salem Museum was nice enough to let us use their space to shoot instead! So we were able to get some beautiful bridal portraits and we didn’t freeze :)

I’ve had to keep these under wraps for a few weeks now, but since Jason and Kayla got married this weekend (see their wedding here!) I can finally share them with you! The museum is full of character, victorian sofas, and floor to ceiling windows so the session was a dream. And Kayla got to get a feel for what her wedding day would be. Here are some of my favorites from the day!

