Monday Musings: Making this House a Home

So when you are getting ready to get married a big thing that happens is you have to take two lives and combine them together. I’m not talking emotionally, I mean the actually nitty-gritty of giving up half your closet space (let’s be honest….a third). Since Scott is moving into my apartment I’ve been spending the last month or so cleaning out closets and getting rid of things. He loves to organize so it’s been more fun for him than for me, but it needs to happen. The first big make over was the living room. Since it’s a basement apartment it can be dark and crowded. But with some recent improvements – and getting rid of the world’s worst couch it’s starting to look awesome. Here are a couple before pictures:

Before 2Before


In all it’s unorganized, messy glory – and hey when you live by yourself why not :) We got rid of the old TV that weighed about a TON and I moved the black shelf into the bedroom. Also moved the elliptical into the garage (read, future gym) and upgraded coffee tables. Here’s what it looks like now:


After 3After 2After 1


Scott is going to be so good for me in so many ways – encouraging me to stay organized and keep the piles of mail off the coffee table is just one of those!

Also, since I live in a small one bedroom, we’ve been cleaning out the garage for him to have his own space/gym/man-cave. So when he officially moves in and it’s all set up I’ll be sharing more pictures of our first little home :) Trust me, it still needs a lot of work!

The other big project we’ve conquered this month is the outside of the house. Throughout the winter and dreary spring our flower beds fell into disarray and everything died. So my mom and I spent most of Memorial Day trimming bushes, pulling weeds that were taller than I am, cleaning out dead leaves and planting new flowers. It was a long day but so rewarding – I mean look how pretty!


Spring Flowers 2Spring Flowers 1Spring Flowers 3Spring Flowers 4


Plus, I learned a lot from my green-thumbed mother, and so far haven’t killed any of them. Which is a first for me since I managed to kill cilantro – which according to a co-worker is the easiest thing to grow – sigh.

Well there is still a lot to do and I’ll keep you updated as we make this little house a home and I relinquish more closet space! But it’s been nice to have a few Saturday’s off to get things done. The next couple weekends include weddings and my shower though so we’ll see how much gets accomplished before the big day :)