Monday Musings

Normally on Saturdays I get up early, make a hearty but healthy breakfast, triple check my gear, and head out to shoot a wedding all day. But this weekend I took a break from my weekend warrior routine because my sister, mom, and friend through me a bridal shower! We somehow fit almost 30 women into my mom’s house for a brunch themed shower and it was so much fun! I think I have thrown at least 10 showers in my life and so to be on the receiving end was so wonderful. My grandmother was in town and Scotts mom and aunt drove up and were able to be a part of it as well. It was so wonderful to have most of the women in my life present and celebrating this time with me. There were fun games – that weren’t corny at all – a beautiful reminder from my friend Katie about what marriage is and should be, wonderful food, lots of laughter, a few tears, and tons of gifts. In fact it took me most of Sunday to put them away and get them organized! And of course Scott’s mom brought him a gift too – a watermelon :) It was already gone by Sunday.

After the shower, I headed up to Roanoke to help my sister move some more things and to see her new place. And she took me to Jack Brown’s for dinner – and it was so yummy! Who knew such a simple burger could be so delicious. And that fancy sauce…oh my gosh. I’ve already told Scott we need to go back asap.

On Sunday, after church we went to lunch with my grandparents before they headed home and if you were in Radford yesterday you’ll know that it was particularly busy! The last steam engine (I think in the country) was passing through yesterday. So we walked down to the farmers market and saw it. It is still run on coal and has all the state cars – and you can ride it! Then my grandparents took off for home and my parents and I walked around the market, enjoying the sun and I picked up a new succulent for my kitchen window. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and organizing, and a little relaxing. And of course like at the end of every Sunday, I’m wishing weekends were 3 days long. But this is a short week and Saturday is July 4th! I’m hoping to spend it by the water with a good book. How about you? What are you looking forward to this holiday weekend?
