Monday Musings

We are moving a little slower this Monday than usual after a very full and very fun weekend. It started by having dinner on Friday with my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday – which means a delicious steak dinner and tons of laughter. Then Saturday we got to be a part of Kaitie and Jonathan’s wedding day! It was so gorgeous and there were enough colors left on the trees to make portraits a dream and fit right into their fall theme. We finished up the weekend with an engagement session for Whitney and Gabe! So not only did we get to spend tons of time behind the camera, we have lots to share this week on the blog!




But since our days were full we are loading up on extra coffee today, wishing it was in a red cup, and wearing big sweaters since it seems the cold is here to stay. Next step is to finally use our fireplace! We always just cheat and play one on the TV instead – but I swear it makes our apartment cozier!

And now for a few musings!

  • One of our wedding day traditions I may have mentioned before is that, instead of swinging through a drive through on the way home, we throw something delicious in the crock pot and let it cook all day so we have something ready when we get home. Cause let’s be honest – neither of us wants to cook at that point! :) And then we live off of it for the next 3 days.
  • And along those lines, adding butter to anything makes it 10x better. Trust me.
  • If you missed it last week – we added to our blogging tips series with some amazing SEO information! Catch up before Part 2 goes live next week :)
  • There are only two weeks left until the new Gilmore Girls launches and I am counting down the days. Scott’s planning on being busy that day but I will be marathoning it up with the rest of you! Other things on our to-watch list: Dr. Strange, Fantastic Beasts, and even though it’s not til March the new Beauty and the Beast! Did you catch the trailer today? Bringing back so many childhood memories!
  • That also means that Thanksgiving (aka national stuffing day) is right around the corner! We are excited for a few slower days and some quality time with family…and pie.

This year flew by – they are speeding up I swear. We’ve got a couple more weddings to wrap up our season before the year is over, though, one being Gabe and Whitney’s next month! And look how adorable they are!


That’s all for this Monday – I’m off for another coffee refill! Don’t miss the blog tomorrow – it’s going to be a fun one :)