Monday Musings

A late Monday Musings post coming to you today, mostly because I’ve been behind schedule all day and that’s how life goes sometimes :) One of the reasons is because this is one of only 3 mornings I did not get up in time to work out. And while I can’t say that I like mornings yet, I do really enjoy starting my day out with a work out and breakfast before I head into work. I have more energy and am much more productive. On the days like today I find I’m more tired and the day drags. But it’s nice to know the habit of becoming a morning person is starting to take!

And speaking of working out and eating clean, I currently have a batch of kale chips in the oven. I hear they are delicious but I’m a little skeptical – have any of you made them? If so what are your tips? I’d love to hear them! Since potato chips are one of my favorite snack foods this would be a great alternative to a salty crunchy snack. We’ll see…

I’ve also been much better about staying hydrated since I bought my new Tervis water bottle. I sang it’s praises to my sister all day when I first bought it and I must say, my love has only grown. I’m always on the lookout for a good water bottle and though it’s a little early, I think I’ve found the one. I could go on and on about the great features but right now my top three are it fits in my hand perfectly, it has a wide-mouth opening so you can fit plenty of ice in it, and it’s double layered so the water stays cold and doesn’t warm up to room temperature before you finish drinking it. I’m sure you’ll hear more about this new-found love in blog posts to come, but for now know that I am smitten.

On the opposite side of eating healthy however, I made Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies during the snow storm. Besides wanting to use my new Kitchen-Aid as much as possible, I needed a dessert for a church meeting on Sunday. Knowing I needed to serve them to people did help keep me from eating them all but I did taste one or two and they were delicious. I won’t tell you how many Scott “tasted” :)

Besides making cookies, the only other productive thing I accomplished this weekend was re-reading the first two books in the Hunger Games trilogy. They are some of my favorite books and while I love the movies, you can’t beat all the extra goodies you get from the book. Plus it’s been a while since I’ve had nowhere to be and could just sit under a warm blanket with a big mug of coffee and read uninterrupted.

Well, it’s supposed to get freezing again tonight but to give you a glimpse of spring and warmer weather I’ll leave you with this beautiful centerpiece of wildflowers that will make it’s way to the blog later this week. I’m going to go pull my kale chips out of the oven and curl up with Mockingjay.

Wintergreen Wedding-1