Monday Musings

It’s another Monday after a wonderful weekend. This was our last free one for the month of May as the rest of the Saturday’s are filled up with weddings. I love that the season is in full swing, but it was also nice to have a restful couple days. Scotts cousin and fiance were in town as well and so we spent time hanging out with them. Mostly that meant enjoying too much good food (two words: candied bacon) and playing board games. Which is the best way to spend down time :)

Other highlights from the weekend include:

  • Binge watching The Last Ship – season two. It’s a TNT summer drama that I can only watch via Hulu, so once a year our TV is taken over by Eric Dane (aka McSteamy) in a Navy uniform. It’s one of my favorite shows and Scott doesn’t mind it, so it’s one we actually watch together.
  • I was going through a drawer looking for extra napkins this weekend and while I didn’t find any I did discover 4 hidden bags of our wedding coffee favors so I am enjoying a large cup of that deliciousness today. Win!
  • Last night I was drinking a glass of water and Scott made me laugh so hard mid-sip that water came out my nose. And then we proceeded to laugh about it for the next 20 minutes. I love that he makes me laugh that hard. I hope we still are laughing like that in 50 years, even if my abs are sore today :)
  • I’ve also been working on wedding album design the last few days. It’s one of my favorite parts of the business and a reminder how important printing your wedding story is. I love that they are pieces from your wedding day that will be shared for generations to come and what an awesome privilege it is that we got to document it. So, if you haven’t gotten a wedding album ordered yet – do it today!
  • And I know everyone has been complaining about it, but I agree – I don’t like the new Instagram look. It’s stark and harsh and kind of ugly. I know we will all be used to it soon enough and forget what the old one even looked like, but for now, I’m a little nostalgic for the blue.

That’s all the musings for now – I’m back to finishing these albums while watching Mark Sloan save the world. Hope you’re Monday’s are swift and your coffee is strong :) And yay for these lovebirds who are getting married this weekend!

Rural Retreat Spring Engagement-20