Monday Musings

We made it. The first wedding of the year is over and now the season is in full gear. We had so much fun with Jason and Kayla on Saturday witnessing their joy at becoming husband and wife. But more on that later this week :)

The rest of the weekend consisted of cleaning and packing gear and getting ready for Saturday – and then unpacking and recovering :) I spent most of Sunday on the couch working on pictures and catching up on TV shows. I was pretty behind from being at the beach and working weekends so it made Facebook dangerous with the spoilers :) And once again Shonda is amazing at getting your hopes up and then dashing them forever. Sob. #jakeandoliviaforever

Here are some other musings that don’t involve Shondaland :)

  • I’ve said it here before, but I truly have the world’s greatest husband. He made me breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning. So on top of shooting and running around all day – he also kept me fed this weekend, with bacon. And donuts. And coffee :)
  • On Saturday, Kayla and her family surprised me with this amazing gift! I love it and couldn’t wait to wear it :)

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  • I discovered the most amazing trail mix while picking up snacks for Saturday. It’s the Caramel Cashew mix from Target and it’s delicious. I like to pick all the cashews out of regular trail mix anyway so this one is perfect and I think it’s going to become a regular wedding staple.
  • When we were at the beach we had chicken and waffles for dinner one night – and I’ve been craving them ever since. We are trying to eat healthy again but I think we are going to have to have them for dinner this week anyway. They were just so good! And HOW have I never had them before?
  • I just realized almost every musing is about food…and I’m ok with that :) But to balance it out here is another sneak peek from yesterday:

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