Monday Musings

Happy Monday! With spring in the air and the sun sticking around for a few more hours in the evening it means that wedding season is on the horizon. All my engagement and bridal sessions are happening and in less than 3 weeks I’ll be at the Outer Banks with my toes in the sand. So all these good things are helping this Monday be just a little easier :)

If you follow me on Instagram (and if you don’t you should!) you know that birthday week was a success – and I’m sorry I have to break this to you ladies but I have the lock on the worlds best husband. Seriously – can we talk about the birthday present he got me for a second. (P.S. it’s that beaut with the red ring around it below)? That’s right not only did he get me a new lens to shoot with – he got me the best of the best that Canon makes. Think of it as the Cadillac of lenses. The L-series is the top of the line lens that Canon produces and now I own one. I played around with it this weekend and am swooning over the photos I got. I can’t wait to try it out tonight at a session! Now to be fair we did a lot of hunting and got a really great deal on it – but it doesn’t matter because it’s mine and I’m in love :) So a huge shout out to Scott for winning at the birthday this year.


On another note: don’t you just LOVE the shirt my mom got for me? #gilmoreforlife

The other big thing happening this Monday is that it is the one year anniversary of this adorable couple.

Winmock at Kinderton Wedding-36

It’s a special one for many reasons – the first being that Anne is like a big sister to me and was our babysitter for most of our childhood so we were more than happy to celebrate her marriage to Jim. But on a business note, this was my first wedding of the season last year and when I started to put into practice all the changes and improvements I was making. I kind of feel like my whole business changed for the better last year – not only did I evolve into a better photographer this wedding launched my career forward because I stopped sitting on the sidelines and started being proactive and running hard after my dreams. Well – it started about 6 months before this wedding, but this is the place it came all together. And what a year it’s been. I finally have my stride and am more in love with shooting and weddings and all my #epbrides every day. So Anne and Jim thank your for being the start of that and for all my brides for trusting us to capture your memories for us. It is a responsibility we love and take seriously.

That’s all for this musings – I’m off to get ready for a shoot on the parkway this evening! Oh and if you missed it on Friday don’t forget to grab your free sample wedding timeline by clicking on the link below!

Sample Timeline