Monday Musings

Even though it is Monday today is turning out to be amazing. There is snow blowing around outside which if you remember from last week makes me happy. And on top of that I got a plane ticket today to go visit my college roommate and best friend for our 30th birthdays! She is about to welcome a baby girl into their family of three and I can’t wait to meet her! Our birthdays are only three weeks apart so, in college we always used to celebrate by going to California Pizza Kitchen and an epic shopping trip to H&M. I don’t know if we’ll do that this trip with two babies in tow but either way we are celebrating :)  And it’s a week in the California sun so I can’t wait.

Of course everyone is talking about the Superbowl from last night and while I didn’t have a huge preference who won, I’m glad it was an exciting game. I always love when interceptions are game changers. The thing I was most looking forward to however was Ecuador airing their commercial – but some how between being late and missing kickoff and going upstairs for snacks I missed it. Many thanks to people who put it on Facebook. If you want to see some of where I grew up check out the commercial out here:

For anyone who knows me you know that I love getting mail and another highlight of last week was I not only got an invitation from one of my brides but the save the dates for another! I can’t wait for my 2015 weddings to start! And Scott and my’s Duke/VT basketball tickets showed up this week as well. It was like a present in my mail box every day! Sorry though Hokies – we root for the Blue Devils.

Now I’m headed out to dollar sushi night with my sister. But check back on Wednesday for this AMAZING wedding I had the chance to second shoot with Amodeo Photography at one of my new favorite venues – West Manor Estate. I just love this sweet moment the Bride and Groom snuck in while waiting for portraits to start:
