Monday Musings

I made it to Monday :) This past weekend was probably one of the busiest I’ve ever had. But it was full of wonderful happy things (unlike the second busiest weekend in my life which consisted of a 17 hour shift at the Olive Garden). No, this weekend involved a wedding, a surprise proposal, family apple butter making, a cake pop fiasco, and a bridal shower to finish it all off. There were so many fun moments, and emotional ones, and just plain funny – probably because I was functioning on only caffeine by Sunday – but too many to share in one post, so I’m going to break it down for you all week. It’s going to be a full one so make sure you stop back by every day! Here is when you should check back for different recaps:

Tuesday: The beautiful Westman Wedding will hit the blog tomorrow.
Wednesday: A link up post with Floral and Fudge blog for our fall scarf exchange!
Thursday: Apple butter weekend/surprise proposal to give you all the feels.
Friday: A fun wintery bridal shower recap.

Yep – you get a blog post every day this week! Doesn’t happen too often, or ever, around here but this weekend was just too full of goodness not to share! But because I’m up to my ears in photos to cull and memory cards to upload this Monday post is just a preview of what’s to come. And since I can’t leave you with out an image…here’s another one of my favorites from Saturday!

Doe Creek Farm Wedding_001

Come back tomorrow for so much more!