Category Archives: Personal

30 Day Challenge – Week 2

It started with a challenge. It continued on through the first week. And now we are half way through and going strong. This past week has had some exciting new things to try out and some fun results. I am loving this 30 day photography challenge – and sharing it with you all even more. What…

30 Day Challenge – Week 1

For those of you who read the blog regularly you’ll know a couple of weeks ago I started the 30 Day Challenge. It has been an amazing couple weeks getting to play with different settings, try new techniques, and push myself creatively. It’s been interesting as well to see what type of shots I gravitate…


So I have tried, and failed miserably at the 365 project twice. It’s a photography project where you take a self-portrait or picture everyday for a year. I loved the idea and how it’s an excuse to pick up my camera every day. But inevitably I would always forget to actually take the picture or never get around to posting…