Category Archives: Monday Musings

Monday Musings

My fridge is empty. I’ve been surviving off Kind bars and coffee. I don’t remember what a full night of sleep feels like. Must be wedding season. Also, my sister moved out this week so we spent several hours on Thursday night taping boxes, bubble wrapping wine glasses, laughing, taking a break for sushi, and filling up her…

Monday Musings: Making this House a Home

So when you are getting ready to get married a big thing that happens is you have to take two lives and combine them together. I’m not talking emotionally, I mean the actually nitty-gritty of giving up half your closet space (let’s be honest….a third). Since Scott is moving into my apartment I’ve been spending…

Monday Musings

I haven’t stopped going since last Tuesday. It’s graduation season here in our small little college town and so that means cookouts, dinners, ceremonies, and oh yeah a wedding reception thrown in for fun. Lots of chances to hang out with people, cheat on my wedding diet, and not stop to even finish the dishes. I also volunteered…

Monday Musings

I’ve been a little MIA for the last couple Mondays because it turns out, getting ready to shoot the first wedding of the season, while planning your wedding, while your other job launches the biggest project of the year makes your life a little hectic. Oh, and I turned 30 in the middle of all that…

Monday Musings

Well this past weekend was different than any other I’ve had :) If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen a new piece of jewelry I’m sporting – yep I’m engaged! Taking me by complete surprise Thursday night, after an amazing steak dinner while sharing a bottle of wine, Scott asked me to spend forever…