Monday Musings

In How to Be Here, Rob Bell writes this:

“You and I were raised in a modern world that taught us how to work hard and be productive and show up on time and give it our best…

We learned lots of very valuable skills, but we weren’t taught how to be here, how to be fully present in this moment, how to not be distracted or stressed or worried or anxious, but just be here, and nowhere else—wide awake to the infinite depth and dimension of this exact moment.”

I originally read that quote on my new favorite food blog, Sprouted Kitchen, they combine good food and amazing photography and are a husband and wife team so it was right up my alley. And it stood out to me – because it’s true. We work hard, we hustle, we are “boss ladies”, and we know how to be productive, show up, and get things done. But how often are we fully present? How many times do we have dinner with friends and we are all on our phones? How often does the TV distract me from a meaningful conversation with my husband? I’m ashamed to say far too often. I don’t want to miss out on moments in life just because I’m on Instagram. I don’t want to not listen fully or be deeply invested because of Facebook.

I’ve been struck more and more this year with the fact that yes, working hard is important essential to keeping this dream alive but, it also requires balance. You can work all hours of the day but will be more productive when you also find rest. When you learn to pause and put down the phone/computer/tablet and be present, read a book, cook a new recipe, sit in the sun, or have a deep conversation, you come back refreshed, more creative, and ready to dive back in. It’s important to not let our work and our devices distract us from living our lives. And in the theme of the year, that is what this weekend was. Yes, there was time for work, but I also took the time to rest. It’s one of the few weekends we’ve had recently with no shoots on the schedule so I, on purpose, paused, turned off my devices and rested. And it was wonderful. I spent a few hours at the pool, tried out this delicious new dish (psss…the recipe will be on the blog on Thursday!), and even took a Sunday afternoon nap!

So today I want to encourage you, that while you are chasing your dreams don’t forget to stop, to rest, and to be present. Have a conversation without picking up your phone. In fact, go on a walk and leave the phone at home! Feel free to showcase your life through little square snapshots, but sometimes don’t take the picture and just soak up the beauty instead. I hope your week is beautiful and full of balance.
