On Trying To Doing It All

Sometimes someone else writes a blog post that hits home. This week I’ve been trying to do it all and then some and failing. Every night there has been a lot to do and not enough hours to get it done. I’ve been tired, cranky, and as Shauna says “my rough edges have been showing.”

So instead of the beautiful engagement session I wanted to share with you today – I’m going to share these words from a fellow creative instead. (And don’t worry the session will be up tomorrow :)

“I listed one thing after another to him; the fresh and relevant content I’m expected to produce on social media everyday, the perfect body I can’t seem to achieve, the amazing photographer I’m supposed to be, the successful business I’m assumed to run, the meals I’m expected to brainstorm, shop for, cook, and then clean up everyday, the perfect house we need to have, the Jesus-loving example I want to be, the expectation of starting a family because I’m in my late 20’s (cough…30’s)….you know, just everything that would make me, my business, our marriage, and life seemingly perfect. That perfection thing that doesn’t actually exist.”

This hit home for me this week. How often is that list constantly in my head of having to do it all and do it perfectly? It doesn’t exist. Does that mean I stop trying for it though? No, it’s a constant pressure to do it all and do more. Thank God for my husband who not only cleans and cooks, but loves me well in my imperfection and rough edges. So today – honesty: this week did not go how I planned it at all and a lot of things fell through the cracks but that just means I’m human :) And guess what? The same is true for you. There is no need to do it all and be the perfect Pinterest-worthy wife and woman. Sometimes you just have to let life be messy and live in that. And for today – I’m calling that ok.

To read the full post visit here: http://nicoledianne.com/how-a-netflix-food-documentary-changed-my-business/


Also come back tomorrow for that engagement session I promised!