Monday Musings

My fridge is empty. I’ve been surviving off Kind bars and coffee. I don’t remember what a full night of sleep feels like. Must be wedding season.

Also, my sister moved out this week so we spent several hours on Thursday night taping boxes, bubble wrapping wine glasses, laughing, taking a break for sushi, and filling up her living room with all she owns. She only moved to Roanoke so at least she’s still close! Then after a seven hour round trip to shoot a wedding with a tornado interruption we celebrated Father’s Day this weekend. Needless to say life is a little crazy.

So to stop in the middle of it all to take the time to celebrate my dad was so fun. We spent the day doing what he loves the most, grilling out steaks and laughing around the table with family. Out of all my sisters he and I are the most alike and I don’t know where I would be with out him. When life isn’t so crazy and he’s not traveling for work we have weekly lunch dates where he just listens and lets me rant about life because he gets where I’m coming from. He’s the man I learned my work ethic from and inspires me to chase my dreams. He encourages us, supports us, challenges us, and loves us unconditionally. He’s a rock and handles all us women in his life well – though I think he’s very grateful there will finally be a son-in-law to start to balance out the crazy :)

So to the man who taught me how to drive, balance my budget, fly a plane, be more patient, work hard, and enjoy life – I want to say thanks. You are the greatest dad I could have asked for. Thanks for guiding me through life, putting up with my antics, talking me through every major business decision I’ve made – good or bad – and loving me the same. You have handled having all daughters well, even if we did make you watch all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. You never hesitate to tell us you love us and so this post is for you. To say thanks, I love you, and can’t wait to dance with you at my wedding :)

Behal_0001Here’s a throwback of us dancing at my college roommates wedding!



 Love you Dad!